Mr. TBRU 29

TBRU 29 Title Winners
Bears, Cubs, and Chubs - Oh My!
The Countdown to TBRU™30 Has Begun!

Mark your Calendars for March 12, 2026!

March 12-15,
Hyatt Regency Dallas
300 Reunion Blvd,
Dallas, TX 75207
What You Need to Know About The Biggest Bear Run in Texas!

Texas Bear Round-Up™ (TBRU™) is an annual Bear Event presented by the Dallas Bears.
It's a weekend celebrating the bear community and those who identify themselves as bears, cubs, otters, and their admirers. We hope you join us in our host city of Dallas, TX for a weekend of entertainment, fun events, shopping, fun, and making many new friends.
About Us
Experience the Thrill of the Bears!